Medical informatics
Image processing, processing and analysis of medical images, video processing, computer vision applications to video analysis.
Konstantinos Delibasis graduated from the Department of Physics, University of Athens and obtained an MSc in Medical Physics from the Dept. of Biomedical Physics and Bioengineering, University of Aberdeen, UK. He obtained his PhD entitled “Genetic Algorithms in Medical Image Analysis” from the same Department. He was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Greece in 2013 and since 2023 he has been a Professor in the same Department.
His research interests include signal and image processing, medical image analysis, applications of computer vision in video analysis, computer simulations of physical and biological phenomena,
He has co-authored 70 publications in high impact factor scientific journals, he has taught more than 10 undergraduate and postgraduate subjects and has supervised two (2) completed PhD thesis.