Introduction to Computer Graphics (CG), CG pipeline and hardware. Rasterisation algorithms of line segments, circles and conic sections, antialiasing techniques, polygon filling algorithms, 2D line and polygon clipping algorithms. 2D and 3D coordinate systems and transformations, composite transformations, homogeneous coordinates, projections and viewing transformations. Model representation and simplification. Parametric curves and surfaces, Bézier and spline surfaces, surface representation and deformation, application to anatomical models. Colour models, halftone and dithering, illumination and shading models. Visualisation of 3D data, surface and volume rendering, applications in biomedical data, Digital Reconstructed Radiograph (DRR) from CT data, surface triangulation algorithms, 3D surface reconstruction, marching cubes algorithm for rendering medical data. Elastic transformations, geometric deformation of images in 2D and 3D with application in spatial cross-modal image registration e.g. CT – Single-photon emission CT (SPECT), in radiotherapy design and surgery simulations, construction of 3D anatomical shape atlases, information fusion from different imaging systems.
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