According to the decision no. 211/08-02-2019 of the University of Thessaly Senate, following a recommendation of 25 / 23-01-2019 of the General Assembly of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, the certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence can be granted in the following categories:

a) graduates of the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics

b) students who were admitted to the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics before the acad. year 2013-2014 and

c) graduates of other university departments, who have the special formal qualifications for appointment in the Primary or Secondary Education in the field of Informatics

Graduates and / or students of the above categories a, b, c, must successfully complete the attandance and successful examination of the eight (8) compulsory courses and the two (2) Internships (see here), as defined in Section 28.1  and Article 8 of the Practice Regulation.

The selection of graduates is as follows:

Up to 10 graduates are accepted each year.

The graduates of our Department precede. If the number is not filled in, graduates of other related departments are also accepted, as defined above.

The selection and classification of graduates, in each case, is based on their BA degree.

The courses are offered to the graduates for free.

Because teaching subjects such as Sociology, Pedagogy, Informatics Teaching were or are included in the study program of PEV or other university Departments, graduates may be given the opportunity to recognize courses from the Curricula of Departments of origin, in the curriculum of the aforementioned courses.

The above is valid from the academic year 2019-2020.

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